Dear colleagues!

You are invited to join education professionals and European parents for an international conference A Path for the Learning Family: Parents as Providers of Early Language Learning and Development of Thinking to take place in Austria, Vienna on November 16-17, 2012.


The conference aims at presenting and discussing the latest results in the field of introducing a foreign language to 4-6 year-old children alongside the development of their thinking skills in a family context. The event offers a platform for trans-sectoral dialogue of participants and targets parents of pre-school children, national and European parents’ representatives, early childhood educators, experts from educational sciences and policy makers.
The conference is co-organised with the European Parents Association (EPA) and serves as a context for families, education professionals and decision makers to bring the European dimension to tackling the issue of early language learning in a family context.


We look forward to welcoming you in Vienna in November 2012.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.