PASS Phase 0. Thinking. Cartoons. Questions about time
This video shows how a parent can use PASS materials to bring open-ended questions in communication with his/her child. These questions help create the foundation for the development of creativity and thinking skills of their children.
You can see the father asking his son about cartoons he used to like when he was younger and then inviting him to imagine the cartoons he might like in the future. The father also explains the reasons for the questions he asks.

PASS Phase 0. Thinking. Cartoons. Questions about time
PASS Phase 0. Thinking. Cartoons. Questions about character
PASS Phase 1.Universal Activity Cards. Yes-No Game
PASS Phase 1.Universal Activity Cards. Sorting Tasks


(Европейский департамент по образованию культуре. Программы непрерывного образования.)
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