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Guess again...
Category: Phase 0When my daughter asked me to play a game with her ("the show" game) it was my chance to ask her why should I play this game with her. But again, she looked at me really strange. :-) She is often used with responds like "ok", "in a few minutes", "ask dad because I have to cook" and so on...
I asked her again. Give me some reasons why I should play with you this game. The word "reason" really gave her trouble. She asked her dad "What does she mean by reason?" (I guess she wanted to ask "What's wrong with mommy?!" I encouraged her to try.
1. Because I like it!
2. Because it is a nice game.
3. Because it is ridiculous.
I insisted to gave me one more reason why it should be interested to me.
She said that it is funny. It makes us laugh.
But she change her mind quickly because she said she is tired! :-)
I asked her, while we were sitting on the sofa if she wants to play a new game. So, we played "what toy I am thinking about". All the toys were at their places, on the bags and so on... So it was a little difficult to think of a toy that you I not see and then to describe it. I wrote down all of the questions. It was strange doing that while we played but she didn't noticed. She was into this game!
I was the first one thinking of a toy and she asked me 5 questions:
1. It is yellow? Yes
It has something on his head? No
Does it have ear? Yes
Tail? No
She is in a hurry to guess... And she guess because she have a doll which is yellow... :-) The doll named Seli.
Her turn to think of a toy.
2. (My questions) It is an animal? Yes
It makes noise? Yes
It has more then one color? Yes
It is soft? Yes
It is an domestic animal? She said No
No chance to other questions. And I had no idea. It was Santa's reindeer
My turn to think, her turn to ask:
3. It sings? No
It has ear? Yes
Tail ? No (she repets questions with ears and tail) :-)
It speaks? Yes
It's an animal? No
It surprised me because she guessed! It was her baby doll named Agatha!
Her turn to think of a toy, my turn to ask questions:
4. It is noisy? No
It is a doll? Yes
It is a "Barbie" doll? Yes (she wanted the name of one of her "Barbie" dolls.
It was a present from Santa? No
It is blonde? Yes
I had again no idea. So wins again. She is really happy. It was the "Barbie" doll named Alesia, a present from her aunt.
My turn again to think. She asks:
5. Does it has ear? (again ears :-)) Yes
It is a domestic animal? Yes
It is a doll (she is not paying attention anymore...) No
It is fluffy? Yes
It has a part which is tough? Yes
She guess again. The pink bunny named Stefi.
She thinks of a toy, I ask:
6. It is a surprise toy from the sweets? No
It is a doll? No
It is made from bears? Yes
It is bigger than Seli (the doll)? No
It eats meat? Yes
No idea, again... It was about Garfield, the cat.
That was it! She wanted to play next "the show" game... So, we played. :-)