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A sorting game
Category: Phase 1My daughter has a game named The Four Seasons. It is a game with four worksheets representing each season and 40 cards representing different elements / activities specific to each season. The one who succed in filling the worksheets first with ten of the suitable cards wins the game. (You can not see the cards, you pick them up when it's your turn. If you chose one that is not suitable you put it with the face down).
I thought of changing the rules of the game and try to do some sorting with my daughter. We used only the cards. I asked Teona to sort them using any criteria except the one related to season.
It was hard at the beginning because she had the intention to arrange them by season but she quickly changed them. It was naturally because she is used with the rules of the initial game. It was really extraordinary to watch her thinking, sorting in a way and then changing her mind.
Her first sorting looked like this:
flowers (poppy, daffodil etc)
plants (without flowers)
sun + grain
water sports
winter sports + ropeway
hunter + tractor + house + snowman
dry leaf + rain + branch of a tree
a boat (separated, alone)
I asked her : "If there is something that you would change, what would be?"
She had done some changes. Her second sorting looked like this:
Flowers still separated from the plants. she put grain to plants class.
Water sports still separated from winter sports. But she took away the ropeway.
rain + sun
hunter + house (she explained "he is the only one living in a house")
tractor + boat + ropeway (they are means of conveyance, she said)
snowman (separated, alone)
dry leaf + a branch of a tree
My question is, do I have to correct something or I just let her explain why the sorting looks like this?